40 Bible Verses About The End of Times

Bible Verses About The End of Times

Numerous bible verses about the end of times instruct us regarding the disastrous moments of the hereafter. It is said that a time is coming when earth and sky will be destroyed and we’ll stand in front of God’s throne, explaining our acts. If a person wants to succeed he should act upon God’s orders and live life accordingly. Many personalities of the Bible warn us and inform us regarding the Day of judgment. Including them are Moses, Peter, Paul, Jesus, Abraham, Noah and Mary.

The End of Times’ Signs

The End of Times’ Signs


But you, Daniel, roll up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.”




Daniel 12:4


In this verse of the Bible, the angel told Daniel something important and instructed him to close it and seal it. Because when the end time is near, people will travel more in search of knowledge and changes will happen very fast.


The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light.




Isaiah 13:10


In this verse, Isaiah is telling the signs of the Day of Judgment and saying that when the Day of Judgment comes, there will be no light, but there will be darkness everywhere. The stars, the moon and the sun give light to the earth, but on that day God will extinguish their light and darkness will cover the earth.


This is what will happen in that day: When Gog attacks the land of Israel, my hot anger will be aroused, declares the Sovereign Lord. In my zeal and fiery wrath I declare that at that time there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel.




Ezekiel 38:18-19


In this verse, God warns that He will be extremely angry on the Day of Resurrection, and the Gogs will take over the world. There will be war everywhere then the judgment of God will come.


The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.




Joel 2:31


According to this biblical passage, there will be very frightening signs as the Day of Judgment approaches near. Sun will become dark and it will no longer shine. In the night sky, the moon appears so lovely, but it will transform into blood. Before the Resurrection, there will be such horrifying and very strange signs.


On that day there will be neither sunlight nor cold, frosty darkness. It will be a unique day—a day known only to the Lord—with no distinction between day and night. When evening comes, there will be light.




Zechariah 14:6-7


In this verse, Zechariah says that on the Day of Resurrection, there will be a very strange kind of sky, there will be neither light nor darkness, but there will be light like evening. No one would have ever felt that light. On that day there will be things that man has never imagined. In the evening there is darkness, but on that day there will be light in the evening.


You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.




Matthew 24:6-7


According to Jesus in this bible verse, there will be a lot of disputes and people will be thirsty for each other’s blood as the Day of Resurrection gets near. Before the Day of Judgement, there will be many natural disasters, including earthquakes, famines, floods, and diseases. The day of judgment will arrive when all of these things start to occur on Earth.


There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.




Luke 21:25


In this verse, Jesus says that when the Day of Judgment is near, the moon, the sun and the stars will change before it, there will be confusion everywhere and there will be restlessness. There will be calamities everywhere and this will be a phase when people will be very worried and panicked.


But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.




2 Timothy 3:1-2


In this bible verse Paul says that there will come a time when people will be very proud and greedy. They will become selfish and show no interest in their brother’s right. When the Day of Judgment approaches, people will forget God’s commands instead of following him.


Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.




2 Thessalonians 2:3


In this verse, Paul says that before the Day of Resurrection, it is written that people will fight on earth, go astray and commit sins. And when these things begin to happen, Jesus will come and after that the resurrection.


I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red.




Revelation 6:12


This bible verse describes the incident of Day of Judgment, in which the sun will become black, the moon will turn bloody red, and there will be earthquakes throughout the world.

The Day of Judgment

The Day of Judgment


For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.




Ecclesiastes 12:14


Solomon states that a day will soon come when God will decide whether someone has committed good or bad activities, whether they were done in private or in public. God will make everyone aware of their deeds and reward or punish them according to their deeds.


Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness.




Psalm 96:13


In this verse David says God will judge between people and that day will be called the day of justice. People will be told their truth and lies and decisions will be made with justice.


Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.




Daniel 12:2


Daniel is informed in this verse that all of the dead would awaken from their graves and rush to God on the Day of Resurrection. When the dead rise from the grave, some will be good and some will be bad. The wicked will suffer eternal shame while the righteous will receive the best and everlasting life.


See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer.




Isaiah 26:21


Isaiah says in this bible verse that even being warned about the Last Day, many people on earth disobeyed God and committed evil. God will judge them and punish them for their actions on that day.


The great day of the Lord is near—near and coming quickly. The cry on the day of the Lord is bitter; the Mighty Warrior shouts his battle cry. That day will be a day of wrath—a day of distress and anguish, a day of trouble and ruin, a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness.




Zephaniah 1:14-15


According to this verse, the Day of Resurrection will be extremely dangerous. No person could have ever imagined that day. God will be angry on that day, and everything will be dark and without light. On that day, people will see pain rather than relief.


When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.




Matthew 25:31-32


In this verse, Jesus explains that when the day of judgment arrives and God’s judgment is established, God will appear in great glory, and everyone will see him. After bringing everyone before Him and dividing them up based on their actions, God will reward the good with good and the bad with evil.


You, then, why do you judge your brother or sister? Or why do you treat them with contempt? For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.




Romans 14:10


Paul describes the scene of the afterlife in this verse, stating that everyone will appear before God’s throne on that day and will have to account for their actions.


For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.




2 Corinthians 5:10


In this verse, Paul states that on the Day of Judgment, those who have done good things will be rewarded correctly, the righteous with good, and the wicked with bad.


And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.




Revelation 20:12


In this verse, John says that there will be a scene in the resurrection when all kinds of people will be seen. The book of deeds of all, from the least to the greatest, from the wicked to the righteous, will be opened before them and judgment will be made between them according to their deeds.


By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of the ungodly.




2 Peter 3:7


Peter states in this bible verse that God created the sky and the earth. People are going to remain there until God’s judgment is declared. When God’s judgment is established, he will become angry and the wicked will suffer punishment while the righteous will be rewarded for their good deeds. Therefore, we need to make apologies for what we did. As long as this earth is here, we should continue to obey God, do as He says, and live our lives as He desires.

The End of Times And 20 Biblical Personalities

The End of Times And 20 Biblical Personalities


Jesus has told about the Day of Resurrection, what signs will come on that day and what kind of conditions will happen then.

“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.  And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. (Matthew 24:30-31)


Daniel also spoke about the last day and said that on that day all people will be presented before God alive and will be rewarded according to their deeds.

At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:1-3)


John has said that after the resurrection we will be included in the new world and there will be eternal peace.

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:1-4)


Those who believe in Jesus and are righteous will be introduced to him on the Day of Resurrection, according to Paul.

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)


Jesus was teaching about the Day of Judgment and in relation to that time, Jesus mentioned Noah and said that before the Day of Judgment people will be in ignorance. They will not know that the Judgment day is coming and they are engaging in evil.

As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. (Matthew 24:37-39)


On the day of judgment, according to Peter, God will be angered and destroy everything on the planet.

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:10-13)


It is known about Elijah that when the resurrection comes, Elijah will come back to earth because he did not die. God took him up to heaven with his body.

“See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” (Malachi 4:5-6)


Isaiah said that there will be great fear on the Day of Judgment and God will be very angry on that day.

People will flee to caves in the rocks and to holes in the ground from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to shake the earth. In that day people will throw away to the moles and bats their idols of silver and idols of gold, which they made to worship. They will flee to caverns in the rocks and to the overhanging crags from the fearful presence of the Lord and the splendor of his majesty, when he rises to shake the earth. (Isaiah 2:19-21)


Job said that a day is coming when our bodies will rise again and we will stand before God.

I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth. And after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh I will see God; I myself will see him with my own eyes—I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me! (Job 19:25-27)


Moses declared that before the Resurrection, a Messiah would appear to instruct the people in the right direction because he would know that the Resurrection is coming and that everything would be destroyed.

The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said, “Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.” The Lord said to me: “What they say is good. I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites, and I will put my words in his mouth. He will tell them everything I command him. I myself will call to account anyone who does not listen to my words that the prophet speaks in my name. (Deuteronomy 18:15-19)


When Jesus discusses the Day of Resurrection, he mentions Abraham.

“The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’ “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’ “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’ “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’ “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” (Luke 16:22-31)


According to Enoch, a lot of people in the world do sin and never follow the right path; on the Day of Resurrection, they will pay a price for their sins.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: “See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” (Jude 14-15)


According to Jeremiah, the day of judgment will be extremely problematic. There will be punishment for the wicked and salvation for the good.

How awful that day will be! No other will be like it. It will be a time of trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it. “‘In that day,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them. Instead, they will serve the Lord their God and David their king, whom I will raise up for them. (Jeremiah 30:7-9)


According to Ezekiel, the dead will rise from the grave when the time for the resurrection comes.

The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry. He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.” Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.’” So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them. (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

John the Baptist

John said that on the Day of Judgment, God will judge with justice.

The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.“I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.” (Matthew 3:10-12)


According to Solomon, on the Day of Judgment, everyone will be held accountable for their deeds. No matter how big or small, good or bad deeds were.

For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. (Ecclesiastes 12:14)


David stated that on the Day of Resurrection, only God’s justice will rule, and decisions will be made with justice. There will be no rest for anyone.

Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, he comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peoples in his faithfulness. (Psalm 96:13)


Malachi said that the day of judgment will come and that day will clear everything. He will do justice among people and separate the bad from the good.

who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty. But who can endure the day of his coming? Who can stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire or a launderer’s soap. (Malachi 3:1-2)


Joel said that there will be some signs before the Day of Resurrection, and these signs include the changing of the heavens and the earth.

I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. (Joel 2:30-31)


Mary said that a day will surely come when there will be judgment and there will be mercy for those who fear God. Mary prayed in terms of God’s mercy and the justice of that day.

“I will send my messenger, His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.” (Luke 1:50-55)

Frequently Asked Questions

But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:13-14)

  • Earthquakes
  • Dark sun
  • Bloody Moon
  • Wars
  • Coming of Jesus
  • Rule of injustics

He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:2-3)

People will become more selfish as the Day of Judgment approaches. They will fight among themselves, disrespect their parents, be unholy, refuse to thank God, become arrogant, conduct immoral activities, proud, value money, and refuse to forgive others.

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: “Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach. (Revelation 12:1-14:20)


These Bible verses tell us about the Last Day, what that day will be like and what will happen on that day. On that day there will be a judgment of God and judgment between people. Those who used to do good will be rewarded for their good deeds and those who used to do evil, disobey God, will be punished. On the Day of Resurrection, a person will be judged according to his deeds that he has done in this world. From these verses we get the lesson that while we have been given this life we ​​should live according to God so that in the hereafter we will not get punishment but the best eternal life.

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